On The Legitimacy of Natural Theology

One of the features of Themelios, the online theological journal, is that it always offers a feast of book reviews. With almost sixty books surveyed, the latest issue is no different. One book that readers with a stake in either natural theology or Reformed epistemology may find interesting is Michael Sudduth’s The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology. James Anderson, Assistant Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary, reviews:

“Sudduth presents a meticulously researched and compellingly argued case for the historical pedigree and philosophical legitimacy of Reformed natural theology. His articulation and defense of the dogmatic model is especially valuable for dispelling prevalent misconceptions about the role of natural theology. I daresay that most readers will find their own views challenged at some point. Those looking for a triumphant defense of classical apologetics in the Princeton mold may find themselves disappointed by the modesty of Sudduth’s conclusions. They may feel that those forms of natural theology that emerge unscathed from the Reformed objections (the cogent ones, at least) are thin gruel, offering little of value for positive apologetics with unbelievers. Even so, they shouldn’t underestimate the value of his defense of theistic arguments, for the criticisms he refutes are found as often in the mouths of atheists as believers. On the other side of the field, presuppositionalists may deem the book’s conclusions too generous, but they will be forced nonetheless to reevaluate some of the foundations on which their own fort has been built. Whatever the case, no reader will fail to appreciate the clarity and force of the book’s argumentation, the precision of its analysis, and the invaluable contribution it makes to contemporary discussions of natural theology—not only among the Reformed, but across the spectrum of Christian thought.”

Read the whole thing here.

For additional discussion of the book, both Paul Manata and Paul Helm have also written reviews. The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology is available from Amazon.

Moral Decision-Making in Areas of Christian Liberty

How do we make decisions in situations where moral absolutes might not apply or be clear? Justin Taylor suggests asking eight Biblical questions from the book, Ethics for a Brave New World, to help ensure we are thinking Biblically:

1. Am I fully persuaded that it is right? (Rom 14:5, 14, 23)
2. Can I do it as unto the Lord? (Rom 14:6–8)
4. Can I do it without being a stumbling block to my brother or sister in Christ?
(Rom 14:13, 15, 20–21)
5. Does it bring peace? (Rom 14:17–18)
6. Does it edify my brother? (14:19)
7. Is it profitable? (1 Cor 6:12)
8. Does it enslave me? (1 Cor 6:12)
9. Does it bring glory to God? (1 Cor 10:31)

Read the explanations for each test here. The second edition of Ethics for a Brave New World, by John S. Feinberg and Paul D. Feinberg, comes out in November.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Dave Bish has pointed out three great sessions from the 2010 Newfrontiers Leadership conference that are worth listening to. The sessions are set up to address and assess three books that have become incredibly popular in the Christian world: Tim Keller’s The Reason for God, Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis and Tom Wright’s Surprised by Hope. Led by Andrew Wilson, Adrian Birks, and Mick Taylor, the panel considers each individual book’s strengths, weaknesses, and ways in which each they provoke and stimulate Christian thought. It’s a really helpful discussion, both in the content of their comments and the spirit in which they are given.

Download the mp3s:

Session 1 – Reinventing Apologetics: The Reason for God by Tim Keller

Led by Andrew Wilson, the panel examines Keller’s discussion of hell, whether an understanding of God’s passive wrath might undermine penal substitution, the importance of understanding the context of doubt, how we can draw the line between the literary genres of  the creation account and the fall narrative, death and evolution, and much more.

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Science, Theology, and the Quest for Meaning

In 2009 Professor Alister McGrath delivered six Gifford lectures at the University of Aberdeen on the scientific evidence for a fine-tuned universe and the pursuit of meaning. While the content of those talks have been available in book form for some time (A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology, Westminster John Knox 2009), the transcripts of the lectures are also freely available as pdfs on the Aberdeen University website. The project of natural theology has had many critics (both atheists and theists) but in these lectures, McGrath, the Chair of Theology, Ministry and Education in the Department of Education and Professional Studies at King’s College, London, explores what implications the latest research in biochemistry and evolutionary biology might have for the success of natural theology and therefore the current debate about God.

Here are the introductions and links to each lecture transcript:

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Librarianship and Vampire Slaying

Billie Doux reminds us of some great lines from Buffy:

Buffy: “You’re like a textbook with arms.”

Willow: “How is it you always know this stuff? You always know what’s going on. I never know what’s going on.”
Giles: “Well, you weren’t here from midnight until six researching it.”

Giles: “I’m just going to stay and clean up a little. I’ll be back in the Middle Ages.”
Jenny: “Did you ever leave?”

Buffy: “I mean, I can’t believe you got into Oxford.”
Willow: “It’s pretty exciting.”
Oz: “That’s some deep academia there.”
Buffy: “That’s where they make Gileses.”
Willow: “I know! I could learn and, and have scones.”

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